Race nights and the law.
It is quite legal for a company, club or association to organise a race night with
prizes within the Amusements & Small Lotteries Act 1976, providing the following
details are adhered to.
A race night with prizes is not gambling; it is a form of raffle. Guests buy tote
tickets for a particular pig number, they do this with no prior knowledge of the
result. Before the race members of the audience make a random selection of the
identical pigs. The race is then run and the winners receive a share of the tote
(less a percentage retained by the host for the charity etc.)
The race night must not be the only form of attraction on the night. E.g. Music for
dancing, entertainment, a supper, Karaoke etc.
The club or association must hold the race night in a premise where the general
public are not allowed general access.
Any advertising must be restricted to the club meeting place or work place.
*Children under 16 years of age may attend (subject to the premises licence) however
they may not buy tote tickets.
The person buying the winning ticket must collect the prize personally.
All raffle (Tote) tickets must be sold at the same price, so that no one person has an
unfair advantage.
This is a short interpretation of the rules for race nights more details are available
on request.